The best thing about this blog is that it's invisible to practically the entire population that's online. You can't STUMBLE on it. You literally have to search specifically for this blog to find it. That's frikkin awesome! It means, the absolute crap I post here will never pop up on any sane person's web browser. I was over the moon when I realised that. Last night. When I was procrastinating. That's usually the time when my brain works tirelessly to impress me at just how useless it can be. I'm more than impressed. Is it wrong if I feel kinda proud of it?
That's also pretty much what prompted me to post here. After 2 years of neglecting this blog. Hey, I don't get paid for this, what do you expect? Plus, I started this blog as a means of procrastination during my exams so, the only time I post here is when I have important tasks pending. It's pretty obvious that doesn't happen often. Until now. I'm FINALLY swamped in coursework, enough to make me write. woo hoo?
This year has been the worst one yet. But I did learn alot. I'll go ahead and list what I learnt:
- nothing.
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